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Why Eye Cream is Among The Most Important Products In Your Beauty Arse – Vivant Skin Care



Mar. 07, 2024
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Using eye cream protects the skin around your eyes better than a moisturizer alone. 


Chances are the first wrinkle you see on your face as you get older will be around your eye area. The skin under the eyes is thinner than other skin on your face, and can easily start to look puffy if you are tired or stressed. When a face starts to show age, the eye area usually gets the worst of it -- and the happiest people can get wrinkles from smiling and laughing as easily as unhappy people can get frown lines from furrowing their eyebrows.

Because the eye area is so delicate and easily damaged, using eye cream, avoiding the sun and not smoking are some of the most important things women can do to avoid looking older. Many experts question the importance of eye cream and speculate that it isn't necessary as a separate step in your beauty routine, but here are some reasons why they may not be right in their assertions.

The Rationale For Using Eye Cream

It may seem like eye cream is not much different from moisturizers that are used on the rest of the face. Using moisturizer may seem sufficient to keep the eye area from wrinkling or puffing; however, eye creams do have some differences that make them worthwhile.

Many moisturizers caution users to avoid the eye area when using. Moisturizers can contain chemicals that may be harmful to the eye area and many contain fragrances and preservatives that can irritate eyes as well. Eye creams are specifically formulated to be used in the eye area, making them safer and more beneficial.

Some eye creams have stronger ingredients and work better than a moisturizer can. Eye creams are also formulated to reduce puffiness and dark circles, while moisturizers need to handle the entire face and are less specialized.

Preventing signs of aging starts with using eye cream on the delicate skin around the eyes.

Preventing Later (or Further) Damage

One of the first signs of aging is puffiness, sagging and wrinkles around the eyes. Using an eye cream, especially one that contains peptides, to target these problems can have a profound impact on further signs of aging and keep the skin around the eyes firmer and smoother.

It is far easier to prevent future damage to your skin than it is to repair it later. Young women without any wrinkles or sagging around their eyes may benefit from an eye cream when they are young so that they don't show as many signs of aging later.

Using Eye Cream Safely

Even though eye creams may be made specially for use around the eyes, you may need to be careful to keep cream from getting directly into the eyes. You also want to use a (small) spoon or spatula to scoop out the eye cream for your use to avoid contaminating the cream with germs that may be on your fingers.

Vivant Skin Care's Wink Eye Rejuvenation Cream offers products to protect the delicate eye area and keep wrinkles away, as well as helping minimize dark circles and puffiness. Get your perfect eye cream today!

An often neglected area of your skin is your eyes. Many people do not consider specifically treating the area around their eyes as part of their daily routine. However, it is vital that you take care of the skin around your eyes to ensure younger and healthier skin. This is because the skin found around your eyes is not quite the same as the skin on the rest of your face.

How the Skin Around the Eyes is Different

The skin around your eyes is thinner and more sensitive than much of your face. This also means that your eyes are more susceptible to aging than the rest of your face. This is largely due to the fact that the wear and tear of daily life affects this sensitive area of skin and accelerates the aging process.

Consider first that the average person blinks around 28,000 times per day. Add in simply rubbing your eyes occasionally, not to mention the various facial expressions we make that stretch and pinch the skin around the eyes, and you can see why this area is overworked. Even putting on makeup every day can cause your eyes to wrinkle prematurely.

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So to minimize the look and number of fine lines and wrinkles, you will need to carefully treat the skin around your eyes. And don’t just use any product on your eyes, do the research and choose safe and effective products.

How to Treat the Skin Around Your Eyes

The convenient thing you probably think about when creating a specific eye care routine is simply applying your daily skincare topicals to the under-eye area. After all, since these products work on the rest of your facial skin, it should work on the eyes as well. However, this is not the case.

The skin under the eye is so different that ingredients that work well for the face are too aggressive and can cause rashes around the eyes. For example, if you are using a retinol product and use it around your eye, it can cause irritation.

Finding the Right Eye Skin Care Product

Eye skin care products are specifically formulated to make sure they don’t cause rashes or skin irritation. Eye care products should contain peptides and non-retinol skin brighteners. This will help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

The best product that you should use for around your eyes is an eye cream. Eye cream can help get rid of dryness and puffiness as well as reduce the appearance of creasing. Remember to always find a product that has low retinol and beneficial ingredients that will help your eyes.

As long as you read labels carefully, you should be able to find a quality eye cream or other products to help protect your eye skin health. However, labels for cosmetic products can be confusing, so if you have any doubt, you can ask a skin care professional for more advice.

Professional Skin Care Consultation

If you want to invest in the health and beauty of your skin, especially around the eyes, or even improve the way your eyes look, Dr. Daniel Richardson is here to help. During your appointment, Dr. Richardson will look at the skin around your eyes and give expert recommendations for products or treatments to reduce any lines and wrinkles you may have. Call us at (228) 897-1400 or contact us online to schedule your appointment today.


Why Eye Cream is Among The Most Important Products In Your Beauty Arse – Vivant Skin Care

Why Eye Care Is A Skincare Essential

Additional resources:
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